Southwest Montana offers multiple options for travel guide ads. If you are not purchasing a full page advertisement but still want a listing in the travel planner, you can receive a listing in the travel planner by signing up as a Partner Member for $150. Each year, we distribute 135,000 guides through our advertising programs, online efforts and on the ground in Montana.
All Ads include a Southwest Montana Partner Membership and a FREE business listing in the Travel Guide. To place an ad in the Travel Guide, you can either submit and pay online below, or download the ad insertion order pdf and email to [email protected].
Advertising Deadline
Reserve space with payment due by Wednesday, September 25, 2024. First come, first served.
Ad Material Deadline
Ad materials due by Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Advertising Specs for the Travel Guide
- Trim Size of Guide: 8.375″ x 10.875″
- Full Page: 7.375″ x 9.875″
- NEW! Half Page: 8.375″ x 5.4375″ (Add .125″ bleed to all sides)
- NEW! Advertorial (full page): 7.375″ x 9.875″
- NOTE: Advertorials are available only to Chambers, CVB’s and communities and must be designed by the Abbi Agency, our agency of record.
- Back Page: 8.375″ x 10.875″ (Add .125″ bleed to all sides)
Digital Files
- Ads need to be 300dpi CMYK high-resolution PDF files. EPS or TIFF files are acceptable. For EPS files, all fonts need to be converted to outlines and files should be Stuffed or Zipped. TIFFs need to be 300dpi CMYK. LZW compression is allowed.
- JPEG files are acceptable as long as they are 300dpi and saved with a quality factor of 9 or greater. CMYK is preferred.
- All RGB files and spots colors will be converted to CMYK and color accuracy is not guaranteed.
Questions regarding technical specs can be addressed by e-mailing [email protected] or call 406-846-1943.